Sunday, December 21, 2008

Should A Natural Health Practitioner Market A Health Product From A Direct Sales Business?

Have you ever wanted to promote a natural health product and shyed away from doing so because it was affiliated with a network marketing company?

It's totally understandable why a practitioner would shy away from such a thing. Afterall, you don't want your clients thinking your trying to make money off of them right? Well from Practitioner to Practitioner I'm here to tell you to just get over it! The health and wellness industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Lets face it a practitioner can only make so much money selling at retail. You either have to hike your consultation prices, recommend more product, or see more clients to make ends meet. And we all know seeing more clients is trading time for dollars. Wouldn't you rather be spending your time at a spa or on vacation?

Most practitioners are looking for a way to bring in extra cash to help pay the extra overhead expenses. However, most are quick to shun products that come from network marketing companies. Don't let an valuable product that could help your clients and add to your cash flow pass you by just because its affiliated with network marketing. Some of the best quality health products come out of network marketing companies.

Ofcourse natural health practitioners are the first ones to get bombarded with hungry distributors. These distributors are thinking your the perfect prospect! Perhaps they have more hope in you than you do? It is your ethical responsibility to research that particular health product they are sharing with you to the fullest extent. Afterall, you do need to stay up with the latest health information out there. Plus don't you want to have the appropriate answers for your clients incase they ask about a particular product they heard about? Better yet don't you want to be informed? Ofcourse you do! Nothing worse than a client being more informed than you.

There are many health practitioners finding success in marketing natural health products that come from the network marketing industry. Natural health practitioners such as N.D's, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Nutitionists, Bowen Tharapists etc, are all finding success in one form or another by means of helping people feel better and by doing so are making a good stream of extra income within their practices. Can't get any better than that. Doing what you love to do and making more money.

Don't let your misconceptions of network marketing stop you from helping alot of people and making tons more money doing what you love to do.


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